
29 April 2013

Sixteen Excel Reports On Support Team Performance

Folder HelpDesk logoFolder HelpDesk V13 will have a new statistics feature: Excel reports. With sixteen different reports you can analyze how support tickets have been handled, and you  can also create your their own reports on the Folder HelpDesk ticket data.

Structured IT-support tickets
Many organizations have dedicated staff for IT support, and when this team is connected in a local network Folder HelpDesk for Outlook is a well functioning and easy to learn solution for handling the support requests.

Incidents become structured and efficient to work with when e-mails and web tickets are converted into Outlook tickets. And when a problem is reported in another way, maybe by telephone, a blank ticket can be filled out to get this issue into the same system. All this structured incident data can be studied in statistics  reports.
Folder HelpDesk ticket in Outlook
Known caller group gives more data
When the support staff assists a known group of people you can get even more out of Folder HelpDesk, as details about these people, like department and e-mail address, can be entered in the Folder HelpDesk settings and automatically filled out in the tickets. These details about callers are also included in the Excel reports.

Folder HelpDesk toolbar in OutlookClick a button to run reports
When the support team has been working with Folder HelpDesk for a while it is interesting to analyze what problems have been handled, how much time has been spent on different kinds of incidents, who the callers were and so on.

Ticket data is saved in an Access or SQL Server database, and when you click on the Folder HelpDesk statistics button in Outlook a tool fetches this data and converts it into Excel reports.

Four groups of reports
The sixteen reports are divided into four groups, with four reports in each. All reports have two representations, a pivot table and a graph – or chart as Microsoft calls them.

The first group of reports shows different aspects of time spent on tickets and the second group gives information about the callers. The third group shows data from an incident category angle, and the fourth one has the responsible support team members as the basis.
Folder HelpDesk Excel report
Use all Excel features
The Folder HelpDesk statistics reports are standard Excel reports, so you can use all Excel features with them. You may filter and drill into the reports, and you can add columns and rows that give more data than the default ones. All changes made in a table are reflected in the graph, and vice versa.  Siret shows how to do it in the demo below.

Many graph options
I think managers prefer to work with pivot tables, but when they want to show their results to a bigger group I am sure they prefer to use the graphs. These can be created in many different forms and colors and also saved as a PDF and in several other formats.

Create your own reports
The default Folder HelpDesk reports should cover what most managers want to see reports on, especially if they use the Excel options of adding more data. However, if it is necessary to create a brand new report this can be done too. Siret shows that in her demo also.

Open a new sheet, connect it to the database you use with Folder HelpDesk and create your report using the Excel tools. When it is saved it will be just another report among the rest of them, and it will be updated with fresh data each time you press the statistics button.

Discarded old tool
Earlier versions of Folder HelpDesk have had another statistics tool, my own OLAP Reporting Tool. I created it long ago, when the Office Web Components were automatically installed with Office.

Now this situation has changed, and I see no reason to stick to a tool just because I have created it, if I can give Community Members a better alternative.  It will also be easier for new customers, as they will not have to learn a new tool. Most administrators know Excel well, and there is a lot of information on internet if they don't.

If someone wants to keep the old tool after upgrading to Folder HelpDesk V13 there is a way to do that, but I am sure most users will appreciate the change to Excel reports. Here is a first overview:

By Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

26 April 2013

Shared Calendars Make Work Run Smoothly

Calendar Resource calendar iconWhen all members of a team or workgroup share each others Outlook calendars everyone will benefit and work will be more efficient.

 Personal Outlook calendars can be shared and viewed with the Outlook add-on Calendar Browser.

When are people free?
The obvious advantage of using shared calendars is that you can easily see what everyone is doing. With shared calendars managers will get a better idea of what employees are planning and when they are available, so that they can arrange events and tasks accordingly.

Shared calendars work in the same way for the team members, of course ‒ they can see when the managers are available. All members of the staff can also more easily determine when most people are free for a group meeting.

Calendar Browser logoAdd shared calendars to Calendar Browser
Calendar Browser was first created for resource booking in Outlook, but I soon saw the need for sharing not only resources but also personal calendars. Now personal Outlook calendars can be added to Calendar Browser via the settings, either by browsing to it or by writing the name of the shared calendar.

As the calendars can be grouped organizations can use Calendar Browser for many different work teams. Each employee will add only the needed calendar groups to his or her Outlook calendar view.
Calendar Browser in Outlook
Overview of all calendars
The Calendar Browser Overview displays all the shared calendars, and by using the different views and the search feature you can easily find the calendar or appointment you are looking for.

If you want to change something while you are looking at the Overview, you don't have to go back to the Outlook calendar. Changes and new appointments can be made directly in the Calendar Browser Overview.
Calendar Browser Overview
Booking gives additional value
As I mentioned, the Calendar Browser application was first meant for booking shared corporate resources, and if you decide to use Calendar Browser to share calendars you may of course use it for booking too. Once again the possibility to group calendars will come handy. You don't have to mix personal calendars and resource calendars!

Please have a look at Calendar Browser if you are thinking about sharing Outlook calendars within your organization. Even if the documentation is mostly focused on resource booking, I am sure you will understand the benefit of using Calendar Browser to show and work with shared Outlook calendars.

By Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

23 April 2013

Document Management In A SharePoint List

Good document management is becoming increasingly important today, when so much information is easily created and shared. Why not make use of a SharePoint list? In the demo below I am explaining a new product idea that includes structured documents and SharePoint.

Management solution for structured company docs
Many organizations have a lot of highly structured documents, like ISO certification documents, orders, instructions and manuals, but not all have an efficient document management system for them. You often have to open the whole document before you can start searching for the information you need.

This process can be made quicker and simpler if the documents are added to a SharePoint list, and Business Solutions already has a prototype for a solution that can help you do just that.

Document section = List item
The idea behind the new document management solution is to add all the structured documents to a SharePoint list and let each section of a document be made into a list item. That way users can go directly to the document section they need instead of having to open the whole document.

This solution is better than sharing the documents in a SharePoint library, because both content overview and access will be easier when you use a list in the way I suggest.
SharePoint list with structured documents
The image above shows a list created with the prototype for this new product. I have used official documents from the Swedish Defense Ministry, and I am showing them in four levels.

First I have three different views that filter the documents so that you never have to search among all of them. When you have selected a view you can drill into three sublevels, and in the last level you see links to the different parts of the document.

SharePoint list features give added value
Having the documents in a SharePoint list also gives other benefits, like:
Microsoft SharePoint list item
  • Change notifications
  • Version history
  • List views.

With rich text and tables enabled, all formatting from the document is kept when it is divided into list items.

New product
I want to develop my prototype into a full solution that can help users reach a better document management by using SharePoint. But the team has a lot of plans so I cannot say when this new product will be available on the market. As always I welcome sponsorships.

Do you find my idea interesting? Please take a look at the demo, and visit the new Ideas section of the website. Should you have questions I hope you will comment here or send me an e-mail. I will be happy to answer!

By Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

17 April 2013

Seven Ways Of Adding Documents To A SharePoint 2013 Document Library

SharePoint document libraries are very useful for sharing documents, but how can we best get the documents into the SharePoint library? There are many ways, and I am sure you are already familiar with the most common ones. But maybe you don't know all the different methods?

New Tips section demo
In the new SharePoint tutorial below I show you various ways to enter documents to a SharePoint 2013 document library, and I explain when each one of them is the most suitable. This demo is also published in the Tips section of the website.
SharePoint 2013 Document Library add file options
In my demo I show how to:
  • Create a document directly in the library.
    You can create new documents inside the SharePoint library. In SharePoint 2013 the default choices are Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote documents.
  • Drag one or more files from your local computer.
    When the files you want to add to the SharePoint library are already created and stored on your local computer, you can drag them from there into the SharePoint library. You can also drag and drop in other ways, which I am showing later in the demo.
  • Upload a single document via the Upload button in the SharePoint ribbon.
  • Upload files using Windows Explorer.
  • Add files directly to SharePoint from any application that use the standard Windows "Save as" dialog. This is easier if you add the SharePoint library path to your Favourites.
  • Add files directly to SharePoint from applications that do not use the standard Windows "Save as" dialog. This can be done if you map a drive to your SharePoint library.
    Import File icon in SharePoint Designer 2013
  • Add files via SharePoint Designer. When you open your site in SharePoint designer, you can import files and folders to the document library and also drag and drop files from your computer into the library.
I also show how to get the list of files in the SharePoint document library into the Command Prompt, to work with them in the old DOS way – but how to actually do that is a different topic. Here is the demo now.

Tag documents with keywords for better management
When you have practised all these methods for adding documents to your SharePoint library for a while – or even if you only use some of them – you will probably begin to see a problem. How can I find the information I need among all these documents?

Document Tagger logotypeI have a solution to that also: use Document Tagger for SharePoint to tag your documents with metadata and keywords. Document Tagger can analyze many documents at the same time and suggest words to tag them with. Review the suggestions and uncheck the ones you don't want, and then you can click OK and start using the other benefit of Document Tagger - that the solution actually makes it easier to find the right document with the help of the tags you just added.

Document Tagger is available in a Beta version for SharePoint 2010, and before the gold release I will make it compatible with SharePoint 2013 also.

Learn more about my new solution for SharePoint document management on the website!

By Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions
Microsoft certified SharePoint specialist and Trainer

15 April 2013

Incident Management Tool For Outlook - See New Version

Folder HelpDesk logoThe application for incident management within Outlook has been on the market for more than ten years, so we have had time to both fine-tune our Outlook helpdesk and add a lot of useful features to it.

Now we will soon release version 13 of Folder HelpDesk, and below you can see the V 13 slideshow. We have earlier told you about the new Folder HelpDesk ticket form, but version 13 gives a lot more.

64-bit support
An important part of the update has been to make Folder HelpDesk for Outlook compatible with the 64-bit versions of Office. Even if most Outlook add-ons only support the 32-bit Office we will no longer content ourselves with that. Instead we will add support for the 64-bit version of both Office 2010 and 2013.

Some subscribers to Folder HelpDesk have asked for 64-bit support, and as our first priority is to keep Members of the Community happy, we have listened and acted accordingly.
Office 2013 icon
Maybe you don't know if you have the 32- and 64-bit version of Office? In that case you probably have the 32-bit, because that is what Microsoft recommends for most users. You only need the 64-bit version if you work with extra-large databases or worksheets.

For the use of Folder HelpDesk you actually don't need to know what version you have installed at all. The indicent management application will understand what version you have and automatically choose the correct files to execute.

New settings form
Not only the ticket form but also the settings form has been changed in version 13 of Folder HelpDesk for Outlook. At a first glance there is not such a big difference, but under the surface the developer team has made a significant enhancement.

We have now used a grid that makes it possible to rename categories, for example Incident types, without getting problems with the statistics and search of old tickets. When you change a category name in version 13 of our incident management tool, the old tickets will just take the new name, and the statistics and search can continue as before.

Search closed tickets by ID
When a case is closed the Folder HelpDesk ticket is removed from Outlook and only saved in the Access or SQL server database used with Folder HelpDesk. That is done with a click on a button, but before that you may click another button to save the ticket as a knowledge base article.

It is however important that closed tickets are easy to reach also from Outlook. You should not have to go to the database to see them! Therefore Folder HelpDesk for Outlook can search the closed tickets from within Outlook and easily re-open them when needed.
Folder HelpDesk search closed tickets dialog
In version 13 our incident management tool handles the closed tickets in an even better way, as we will add yet another parameter to search them by: ticket ID. This means that if you know the ID of the ticket you are looking for, you can directly enter it in the dialog and get only one hit - the ticket you are looking for.

But for cases when you don't know the ticket ID there are a lot of other parameters to search by, besides free text, so there is no risk that you won't find the right ticket.

Save attachments for closed tickets
New in version 13 of the incident management add-in is also that attachments will be saved in the closed helpdesk tickets. These may be both attachments of the e-mail the ticket was created from and attachments added to the ticket by the helpdesk staff.

When an SQL Server database is used with Folder HelpDesk for Outlook, the actual attachment file will be saved in that database. When the database is Microsoft Access, the attachment will instead be saved in a subfolder to the Folder HelpDesk network folder. The Access database will only store the path to the attachment, so that it can be rapidly fetched if the ticket is re-opened. This is because Access has a limited capacity and the performance would soon decline if we stored the attachments directly in the database.

Sponsorships Business Solutions has a sponsor system for additions to our standard products, and all Community Members are welcome to suggest sponsorships to enhance our applications. We will only add such features that we think will be useful for many subscribers, as we must undertake to document them and support them in future versions, but even if we cannot accept a sponsorship we will do our outmost to give another solution to the problem that the sponsorship was thought to solve.

For version 13 of Folder HelpDesk for Outlook I have happily accepted sponsorships from two Members of the Community: The Swiss Post and Rail Cargo Hungaria. Some of the enhancements mentioned above has been implemented thanks to their generous contributions.

When the new version has been released, all current and future users of our incident management tool for Outlook will benefit from the trust the sponsors have shown the team.We are very grateful!

Please have a look at the Folder HelpDesk V13 slideshow while you are waiting for the real thing.

By Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

11 April 2013

Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint V1.4

Kanban Task Manager for SharePoint logotypeOn one of the last days of December 2012 Business Solutions released a kanban board for SharePoint where tasks can be dragged and dropped between phases and filtered by project and responsible.

Now it is soon time to take the next step and release an update of the project management solution for SharePoint.

Kanban boardGreat interest
We are happy that so many want to try the SharePoint version of Kanban Task Manager. Some organizations wish to use it with the Outlook version, while others prefer to use only SharePoint.

The first evaluators have already decided to subscribe to our project management solution for SharePoint, and they have become new Members of the Community.

Support for SharePoint 2013
SharePoint 2013 icon
The current version of Kanban Task Manager only supports SharePoint 2010, so the most important thing for the next version was to make it compatible with SharePoint 2013. Also the SharePoint 2013 version of Office 365 is now supported.

Two task sizes
The Windows 8 style visualized tasks in version 1.4 of Kanban Task Manager will come in two sizes. The default size will be as before, but now we can also offer a smaller task for workgroups with many tasks. The smaller size might also be more suitable if users often reach the SharePoint kanban board via their smart phones.
Kanban Task Manager Settings
Hide what you don't want to see from the kanban board
Maybe you don't want to show all phases on the kanban board in SharePoint? For example, the last phase, when the tasks are finished, could often be hidden. In version 1.4 of Kanban Task Manager you can do that, in order to make more room on the board.

Other things you don't want to see are old projects and responsible persons who are no longer in the workgroup. In the new version you can hide them from the filter dropdowns of the SharePoint kanban board. If you delete them, they will be gone, but if you hide them you can still study them in the task list if needed.

The developers always try to use as much standard Microsoft features as possible, so the Kanban Task Manager tasks are normal SharePoint tasks that we have visualized and given extra features. They are possible to customize just like any other tasks, but that also means that we cannot hide projects and responsibles in the dropdowns inside each task. We recommend you to add a "z" in front of the name instead. Then they will come last in the list and users will not be disturbed by them.

Kanban Task Manager Phase
Close instead of delete
Another new feature in the new version of the project management tool is a possibility for the admin to change the behavior of the button here to the right. Default behavior is "delete task". The task will then be moved to the SharePoint recycle bin.

The optional behavior is to instead move the task to a specified phase. Any of the phases can be used for this, but most common will probably be to utilize either the "finished" phase or a dedicated "closed" phase. Even if this option is selected the task can be deleted in the task list, but users cannot do it directly from the SharePoint kanban board.

Used in the team
We are already using Kanban Task Manager V1.4 for our own project management in SharePoint, and only some details are left to solve before the public release. Using the solution in the daily work is a good way of evaluating it, but of course the QA Engineers also make more thorough tests on different systems.

I hope soon to be able to tell you that you can upgrade your installation – or try the new version of the project management tool for SharePoint. In that coming blog post I will also describe some more of the added features. Because there is more to tell!

Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

07 April 2013

Visio Diagrams Live In SharePoint

Visio drawing in SharePoint
With Microsoft's diagramming and vector graphics application Visio you can make complex data understandable by creating diagrams and drawings that you connect to data sources. Place the drawing on a SharePoint site page, and your colleagues can see it even if they don't have Visio or Visio Viewer installed. In SharePoint 2013 Microsoft has made it a simple task.

Visio Services
Before SharePoint 2010 it was complicated to add a Visio diagram to a web page, but with the Enterprise version of SharePoint 2010 the Visio Services and the Visio Web Access Web Part were introduced. In SharePoint 2013 the Visio Services have been further enhanced, and today it is not at all difficult to add a drawing to a SharePoint page.

Visio 2013 logoA Visio drawing or diagram on a SharePoint page is not just nice to look at. The main reason for putting it there is that it is very useful, because the Visio Services can refresh the connections to various data sources and recalculate both graphics and text fields so that the drawing shows real-time data. It can be viewed in any web browser and also in mobile devices.

How to do it
These are the three main steps you have to take to add the Visio drawing to a SharePoint page. In the demo below I show you how to do it, and in the Tips section you may also find a detailed step by step description.
  1. Open a Visio file in Visio and save it to a SharePoint document library as a Visio 2010 Web drawing

  2. Add a Visio Web Access Web Part to a SharePoint page.

  3. Connect the Web Part to the Web drawing file.
The Tips section
This demo and many others are published in the Tips section of the website. Here you can find tutorials on SharePoint but also tips and pointers on Outlook, Excel and several other subjects. Please  have a look! If you are a Member of the Community, you are also welcome to suggest new tutorials. I will do my best to give you what you need!

Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

04 April 2013

Releases And SharePoint Tips In Blog Q1 Posts

The year has had a great start for Business Solutions, and during the first quarter of 2013 we have been able to announce two major releases in this blog. I have also written about some SharePoint tutorials that I hope will be  useful to Blog readers. Other articles have treated the helpdesk applications and lucky events for team members.

Document Tagger for SharePoint
Document Tagger logotypeIn January I decided to release a Beta version of our new SharePoint app, Document Tagger. This sandboxed solution can analyze one or several documents from SharePoint libraries and suggest suitable keywords and metadata to tag them with.

After that Document Tagger also gives you better possibilities than SharePoint itself to use those tags to organize documents and quickly find the information you need.

When a workgroup shares documents and presentation on a SharePoint site the number of files will soon become to large to overview, and you need a good system to organize them. Using tags is what Microsoft recommends, but they do not give much help in the actual tagging. That is why has developed Document Tagger.

The Document Tagger icon inspired my mother, Kate, to write an interesting article about the hash tag symbol. She is responsible for the marketing and documentation, and she writes most of the non-technical articles in this blog.

Calendar Browser for Outlook
Calendar Browser iconIn March we released an update of  the resource booking application Calendar Browser. Thanks to a generous sponsorhip from a Community Member we were able to add many new features, among them possibilities to send notifications to responsibles when supplies have been ordered and to auto-book one resourse with another.

Calendar Browser was one of my first creations. It has been on the market since the year 2000 and is used by organizations all over the world. This Outlook add-on is especially popular among schools and churches, who mostly use it to book rooms. However, Calendar Browser can be used for all kinds of corporate resorces, even for people! Tips
I am a Microsoft certified SharePoint expert and trainer, and I am happy to share my knowledge. Therefore I sometimes lead workshops and lecture on advanced IT seminars, but in the Tips section of the website I am sharing my knowledge for free. Everyone is welcome to study my tutorial demos and step by step instructions.

Microsot SharePoint 2013 logoThis year I have pusblished several demos for SharePoint 2013, and for each tip there is also a blog post. Among the new tutorials are "SharePoint 2013 Content Types", "Create A Small Business Intranet" and "Show Live Excel Graphs In SharePoint". From January the Tips section has a new look, a proof of what Graphic Designer, Sonal Desai, can do.

HelpDesk news
Folder HelpDesk Business Solutions has two issue tracking applications: Folder HelpDesk for Outlook and HelpDesk OSP for Outlook and SharePoint. During the new year the developers have been working hard with a major update of Folder HelpDesk for Outlook, and Kate has introduced some of the added features in blog articles.

HelpDesk OSP logotypeMy own recent blog post about a helpdesk product actually described how we use HelpDesk OSP in another way than as a helpdesk application!

The main reason why we use HelpDesk OSP for our SharePoint lists of product bugs and enhancement suggestions is that HelpDesk OSP can transfer embedded images from e-mails into SharePoint list items. It is complicated to insert an embedded images directly into a SharePoint list item, but with HelpDesk OSP it is goes like clockwork!

Team events
Baby PatidarThe Blog sometimes includes articles about or by other team members besides Kate and me.

The most important piece of news of that kind during the past quarter was the birth of little Jashith,son of Senior Developer Jitu Patidar and his wife. Jitu is responsible for the support department, and many Community Members have "talked" with him via e-mail or chat. The whole team rejoices at such happy events!

I hope you will follow the Blog into next quarter. We aim to give you a varied and informative mix of articles.
Peter Kalmström
CEO and Systems Designer Business Solutions

02 April 2013

Skype Calls From New Outlook HelpDesk Ticket

Folder HelpDesk logoCall support customers by clicking a button inside the helpdesk ticket? Yes, this will be possible with Folder HelpDesk V13, as this Outlook helpdesk application can now communicate directly with calling applications like Skype.

A while ago I wrote about the new ticket form for the next version of the incident management application for Microsoft Outlook. Now the development is nearly finished, and I can show a videodemonstration that gives a presentation of the new Folder HelpDesk. I can also tell you more about the enhancement of the ticket form in this helpdesk software.

Addition: This version has now been released and is shown in the demo below.

Outlook post item gives ticket preview
Outlook post itemFor many years already, Folder HelpDesk has kept the attachments and the e-mail formatting when incoming e-mails have been converted into helpdesk tickets. Now the developers have taken another step, as they have found a way to use a standard Outlook post item for the Folder HelpDesk tickets.

This is an important enhancement, because it makes all the Outlook formatting features available for the tickets. Adding attachments and insert or copy/paste inline images to a helpdesk ticket will be as easy as doing it in an e-mail, and it is possible to use a preview window, just like you can do with e-mails. Folder HelpDesk will also be more stable, and future development will be quicker and smoother.

Call back
Folder HelpDesk can send out a number of automatic e-mail notifications, for example when tickets are created or closed. This Outlook helpdesk add-on also has an icon for sending the ticket as an e-mail, after adding a comment or solution.
Folder HelpDesk ticket detail
An e-mail answer with links and images is often the best communication alternative, but sometimes a call is better for a short clarification. Then you may of course pick up the phone, but nowadays when many calls are international people are often using Skype or other desktop calling applications. Then it is convenient to make the call directly from inside the helpdesk ticket.

When Folder HelpDesk was first created more than ten years ago, no one had heard of calling applications like Voxox or Skype. Today such apps are widely used, and with version 13 it will be possible to call back using calling applications instead of e-mailing. You can do it directly from inside the helpdesk ticket, as long as there is a telephone number or Skype name in the Phone field.

I was a Skype product manager for five years, before I in 2010 decided to leave Skype to concentrate on my own products. I have many good memories from my Skype days, as well as a keen intrest in calling applications, so I am especially happy to offer this new feature to Folder HelpDesk users.

Siret Toots image
More demos
Kate Kalmström is responsible for the documentation of the products, but nearly all team members assist her. For the demo below she got help from my wife Siret, our Sales and Relations Officer, and she has recorded several more videos about Folder HelpDesk V13.

All videos will be displayed on the Folder HelpDesk Demonstrations page as soon as the new version has been released, to help users understand the new features.

Quicker manual conversion
When Folder HelpDesk has converted an Outlook e-mail, task or appointment to a helpdesk ticket, it asks if the ticket should be opened  if it has been a manual conversion by pressing the conversion button, of course. Such questions are never asked at automatic conversion.

In the new version of the Outlook helpdesk there will be a “remember my choice” checkbox. When it is checked, the dialog is not shown, and the user does not have to make this choice each time.

Attachments in outgoing e-mails
Folder HelpDesk gives a possibility to restrict the inclusion of attachments in outgoing e-mails. Now we will add two checkboxes for this restriction, one for the automatic e-mails you can let Folder HelpDesk send out ,and one for answers to callers sent manually from within the helpdesk tickets. This way attachments may be included in the e-mails sent from the helpdesk tickets but excluded from the automatic e-mails.
Folder HelpDesk attachments settings
Several of the new features in version 13 of our Outlook helpdesk have been sponsored, and the main sponsor has already received a copy of Folder HelpDesk V13 for testing and approval.

We hope to release the new version by the end of this month, but before that I will come back with information about more news  not only about the helpdesk tickets but about other features that help you work with incident management and user support in a structured and efficient way. For now, please watch the demo, and I welcome you to learn more on the Folder HelpDesk Plans page.

By Peter Kalmström
Documentation and Marketing Business Solutions