
21 February 2013

Homage To Dedicated Team Members

In this blog post I want to mention some of the staff members who recently have celebrated anniversaries in the team, or will do so soon. It is important to us that our team continues to grow and that the vital part of it are bright team members who are making their career.

Jayant Rimza imageJayant Rimza, Lead Developer. MCP
Our Lead Developer joined the team four years ago, in February 2009. At that time Jayant already had several years of experience, and today he is a highly skilled developer who knows each and every detail of the kalmstrom Outlook applications.

Jayant works closely with our CEO and systems designer, Peter Kalmström, to make sure our products have the best possible architecture. Jayant is also the head of the Indian branch of Business Solutions.

During the years we have worked together Jayant has become a friend, and we chat on daily basis. I appreciate his sense of humor, and I am grateful for his patience with all my questions about advanced technical details.

Jitendra Joshi imageJitendra Joshi, Senior Graphic and Web Designer
We had yet another anniversary on the first of February, when our designer Jitendra reached a two year mark with us. If you are using one of our applications or have followed in another way, you have surely seen how Jitendra has made a significant difference in the presentation of our products and website.

Beside his work related to, Jitendra has done something that I don't think many Indians can can boast of: he has created a website with Swedish grammar rules and exercises – without knowing the language! All texts come from me and my earlier teaching aids, of course, but Jitendra still had to work with them. Now he is creating an app for iPhone and iPad with the same Swedish grammar rules.

Vijayant Rimza imageVijayant Rimza, Developer and Lead QA Engineer
On the first of March 2011 a new developer joined the team. After a while we discovered that Vijayant has a remarkable eye for details. This trait in combination with his developer skills makes Vijayant a very good QA Engineer.

By now Vijayant understands all the products well, and when something is wrong he can deduct what might be missing or failing in the code. Vijayant also has the capacity to think beyond the technical aspects and suggest enhancements that will make our products easier to use.

Since last year I have worked more closely with Vijayant, as he has accepted the responsibility for the product language phrases. Our Relations Officer Siret Kalmström and I are taking care of the actual translations, but Vijayant is the one who suggests new phrases and keeps track of what we already have and can use again. His good sense of detail is an asset here too, as it helps him make our product language consistent and generic.

Anshul Takalkar, DeveloperAnshul Takalkar image
Finally I want to mention Anshul, who joined the team in February  2012. He has only been with us for one year, but he is also a hard working and dedicated team member.  You can see proof of his work every time you install or upgrade one of the products, as Anshul is the one who builds the installers.

Select few
Many applicants seek a position in the team. A lot of them come for interviews, and some also get to do a test task. But only a select few are invited to join, and even this way among those who begin working with us several have to go again.

It is not easy to find team members who meet our requirements, so we are happy when the select few who actually meet them feel fulfilled at their work, constantly srtiving to learn more and reach higher. I enjoy working with Jayant, Jitendra, Vijayant and Anshul and of course with all the other members of our busy and productive team!

Kate Kalmström,
Marketing and Documentation Business Solutions

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