
12 December 2012

Senior Developer New Head Of The Support

The Support staff is highly praised for patience and good problem solving capacity, and we intend to continue the good work now when another of the developers has taken over the responsibility for the support work.

Senior developer head of support
Jitu Patidar has been with for nine months, and as he is a senior developer with good earlier experience he has now learned the applications so well that he can take over the responsibility for the support management.

That Jitu would help with support e-mails and remote sessions when he knew the products was intended from the start, so when the earlier responsible had to leave us we already had a great developer ready and able to take over the task. After a short introdution period Jitu is now managing his added responsibility with dedication and skill.

Marriage and move
Kanak Joshi, who earlier made sure that all support cases were taken good care of, has left the team to marry and move to another town.  Priyanka Kokne, a junior developer, has also moved with her family and therefore had to resign her promising position at We thank both Kanak and Priyanka for their good work and wish them all the best on their new locations.

We have known for a while that Kanak and Priyanka would leave us, so we have taken steps to ensure that results and progress will not suffer. We have already hired two new team members, one of whom has already started and another will start next month, but as is an ever growing company we are happy to say that we are on the lookout for more talented people with interviews being conducted on weekly basis.
                Jitendra Patidar image          Jayant Rimza image
Current support staff
Now most of the support services are taken care of by four people:

Jitu supervises the cases, answers e-mails and chats in English and performs remote sessions.

Jayant, our Lead Developer, mostly helps with difficult cases in the background, but he also takes care of remote sessions.

Vipul answers e-mails in English, and Sigge answers in German and Swedish. Sigge can also answer urgent cases in English outside office hours.
                          Sigge Kalmstrom image
Other team members also join in when necessary, because the support is a priority – not only for the sake of the user with a problem but also because engaging in support cases is a good way of understanding how the applications can be enhanced,. The QA Engineers study the support cases thoroughly.

Support to users and evaluators
A subscription to one of the Solutions includes support and free upgrades, and we also give support to evaluators. When people take the time to try one of the products, we feel we should make an effort from our side also, to give the best possible chances for a successful trial period.

You are always welcome to the Support. Jitu and the team will take good care of you!

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