For more than a year Business Solutions has been a Microsoft Silver Partner as Independent Software Vendor. Now this competency is changed into Application Development, which really suits us much better.
Microsoft Silver partnerships
It is not too difficult to become a Microsoft Partner, but only around 5 % of all partners reach the Silver level. Therefore it was a great day for the team when we acieved our first Silver Competency. To be acknowledged as a Silver Partner we had to show Microsoft:
ISV Competency
When Business Solutions first reached the Silver level it was as Independent Software Vendor, commonly called ISV within Microsoft. But how many outside Microsoft know what an ISV Competency is? I asked the Microsoft representative that very question, because even if their definition on an ISV applied to I did not like the anonymous term.
New name - Application Development
Now it seems as if Microsoft listened, because the term ISV Competency has been replaced by Application Development Competency. This is good news, because now all who learn that Business Solutions has earned the Microsoft Application Development Competency will understand what we do and excel at ‒ buildning applications based on Microsoft products.
Or, as the Microsoft definition of the Application Development Competency says: "This competency recognizes partners who are expert in developing innovative applications on the Microsoft platform and potentially using Microsoft development tools. These applications can be custom or commercial, on-premise or in the cloud."
Suitable definition for
We are happy about the name change and the new definition, because both apply very well to Business Solutions and what we do. For twelve years now our CEO Peter has developed both standard and custom applications on the Microsoft platform, using Microsoft development tools, and during the years he has gathered a group of talented people around him that has grown into the team.
Business Intelligence Business Solutions also has another Silver Competency, for Business Intelligence, and here we have been satisfied from start. The name says exactly what we have earned the competency for. Most of the products have an integrated statistics and reporting tool that helps managers analyze data extracted from work with the products and understand how tasks can be performed more efficiently.
Aiming for more
Microsoft has recently announced the launching of a new competency for SharePoint, and as SharePoint is an important platform for our future development we will try to achieve this competency also. It will take some time, but I am sure we will get there!
Microsoft Silver partnerships
- that our products are good enough ‒ by passing certain Microsoft tests
- that we have sufficient knowledge in the team ‒ by passing certain Microsoft exams
- that our customers like the products ‒ by giving references.
ISV Competency
New name - Application Development
Or, as the Microsoft definition of the Application Development Competency says: "This competency recognizes partners who are expert in developing innovative applications on the Microsoft platform and potentially using Microsoft development tools. These applications can be custom or commercial, on-premise or in the cloud."
Suitable definition for
Business Intelligence
Aiming for more
It is a very nice thing to see your excellent work and I like your Blog very much. Being the most widely used applications, Microsoft products dominate the global software product market.