
23 October 2012

SharePoint Quality Assurance Project

The products are the backbone of our company, but Kalmstrom Enterprises AB also develops custom solutions. One of those is our current project for the Swedish chemical company Perstorp OXO AB.

Quality Assurance tracking
Perstorp OXO AB is Swedens’s only plant for oxo synthesis, a process for production of aldehydes. These aldehydes can then be converted into secondary products as alcohols, acids and plasticizers.

Perstorp OXO is currently realizing a major investment project in Stenungsund on the Swedish west coast, and and the quality control in the project must of course be rigorous. Around 2000 parts have to be approved 17 times, which gives 34 000 approvals, and all this must be handled and documented in an efficient way. The task of managing all these approvals is not an easy one, and that is why Perstorp OXO turned to our CEO, Peter Kalmström, for assistance.

Microsoft Certified Professional logotype

SharePoint solution
Peter is an expert on SharePoint , with all the available Microsoft certifications for SharePoint 2010. When the Perstorp OXO challenge had been presented to him, he could suggest a sandbox solution which is easy for the approving managers to use and which can be built with only standard SharePoint features.

Perstorp OXO will build part of the solution, while Peter helps with the parts where his expertise is needed. His task is of course only a small portion of the big building project. Yet it is important. It will not only make the work easier for the approving managers, but it will also minimize the risk of errors.

Development ‒ Programming ‒ System Design
Do you also have an idea or a problem that you would like to discuss with an expert? Peter is a specialist on Office and SharePoint, and he has a group of skilled developers and testers assisting him. You are always welcome to contact us. I am sure Peter and his team will find a solution to your problem or find ways to realize your idea!

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