
10 September 2012

One Year Of Testing The Outlook Add-ons

Neha Gupta imageIn September 2011 Business Solutions hired a new QA Engineer, Neha Gupta. Neha has now been with us for a year, and during this time all users of the products have benefitted from her work.

Support team
Some members of the support team answer e-mails and chats and have a direct contact with users of our products. Others in the same group also play an important role when giving support services to users and evaluators, but their contribution is not as noticed and praised as they work more in the background. Neha is one of those team members.
Reproduce errors
When a user reports a problem that we have not heard of before, Neha is often the first one to work with it. She gets all the information gathered about the issue and about the environment our product is installed in. Then she creates the same environment, often using virtual machines, and tries to reproduce the error.

When Neha succeeds, she documents exactly what she did, and with this info the developers can give the caller a solution to the issue. This is normally a rather quick process, and the team member who sends the solution gets a grateful answer ‒ a credit which should actually go to Neha and the developer.

Test of updates and new products
Kanban Task Manager logotypeNeha is also engaged in the testing of product updates and of new products, and in that process she also suggests changes and enhancements. Recently she has done a great job with Kanban Task Manager, a new application for task management inside Outlook that soon will come in its third version.

Team spirit
We are happy about the good spirit in the team, and Neha has helped cultivating it by remembering birthdays with heartfelt and joyful videos. The first one was for Peter's birthday in January 2012 ‒ a big surprise. Neha is well liked by all, and she is also dedicated in her work and always willing to give that little extra. We are happy to have her in the team and hope she will stay on for a long time.

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