
21 August 2012

Enhanced Task Handling In New Kanban Task Manager

The team is working on an update of Kanban Task Manager for Outlook. After a few months and many evaluations we have received valuable suggestions, and as the team uses Kanban Task Manager we also have found some ways of improving this project and task management application. One of the areas of enhancement in the new version is the tasks themselves.

Outlook tasks with some extra info
The Kanban Task Manager tasks are standard Outlook tasks where we have added  dropdowns for project, phase and responsible. This means that this add-on gives you all the functionality of the Outlook tasks, and on top you get much more than that. The tasks can be viewed by all users in their PCs, and if one of them makes a change it is synchronized to all the other PCs. In the new version the automatic synchronization will be very quick, as only the changed tasks will be updated.
Kanban Task Manager colors
New color system
Many users have liked the colorful user interface of Kanban Task Manager, with different colors for different kinds of tasks, but we have also received complaints that it has been tedious to mark each task with a color. We have therefore we decided to connect the colors to either project or responsible and let them be added automatically. We have also added a color picker in the settings where any color in the RGB range can be attached to the project or the responsible person.

New design of tasks
The tasks in the next version of Kanban Task Manager will have a slightly different design, with more rounded corners and a light shadow that gives them a 3D look. The text is either black or white and changes automatically depending on the darkness of the background color. As you see in the simple video below the Kanban Task Manager homepage also has information on how many tasks each phase contains.

Drag and drop tasks

Just like before the Kanban Task Manager tasks can be dragged between different phases, and the phase info is automatically changed in the task. However, now you can take hold of any part of the task with the mouse cursor to drag it. Even if it is just a corner you can easily move the task to another phase!

Create new tasks directly in the phase
You may create a task either by using the New task button in the Outlook ribbon or by double clicking in a phase. If you double click in a phase, that phase will be shown as default in the task dropdown, and should you have filtered the tasks by project and/or responsible that info is defaulted too, as shown in the video above.

If you have already tried Kanban Task Manager, maybe you discovered another new feature in the video? I will soon come back and tell you more about it.

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