
09 July 2012

New Applications Interesting To Blog Readers In June

Among my June blog posts the ones that concerned new products were the most read. That surprises me a bit, as personal blog posts are often popular, and this month I told about both the wedding of Peter and Siret Kalmström, CEO and Sales manager at Business Solutions, and the 30th birthday of our Lead Developer Jayant Rimza. Those posts were also often read, but not as much as the product articles.

Kanban Task Manager for Outlook
The big product news in June was of course the release of the new project and task management tool for Outlook. It is a wonderful feeling to finally reach publishing day when every team member has been engaged in the work for months.

Even though all have been pulling in the same direction, the road has not been straight. We have encountered several dead ends, where we had to back away and start all over, but we have also found nice shortcuts and elegant solutions to difficult problems. Business Solutions does not release a new product very often, so I have written several articles about the new Outlook add-on. In June three of them are on top of the charts: the Kanban Task Manager release post, the post about the Kanban Task Manager Excel reports and the post where I describe how the team uses Kanban Task Manager with SharePoint as sharing option.

SharePoint MetaData Creator
The team mostly works with the enhancement of the current products, but in spite of this we actually begun a new development project even before Kanban Task Manager was published. The SharePoint MetaData Creator is a project that will take some time, because so far only parts of the team work with it, but the progress is good and there has been a great interest for this tool for adding keywords to documents in SharePoint libraries.

In future blog posts I will of course tell you more about the new "babies" of, but I will not forget our more mature products because they are also developed constantly.

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