
12 April 2012

Will EU Parliament Vote No To ACTA Without Hearing The EU Court?

I have earlier discussed the ACTA treaty in a couple of blog posts, and in February I wrote about the European Commission's decision to let the EU court clarify whether the ACTA treaty complies with the fundamental rights and freedoms agreed on by all EU Members. Recent announcements imply that the Parliament might not accept ACTA anyway.

On the 29 March the rapporteur on ACTA for the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, Ms. Amelia Andersdotter, proposed that Parliament withholds its consent to ACTA. And today the ACTA blog reports about a similar decision from the second biggest Parliament group.

The ACTA Blog is managed by the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure, an association dedicated to defend a free and competitive software market and informational freedom. Today’s article has information from a meeting between the EU Parliament's rapporteur on ACTA, Mr. David Martin, and the Parliament group Alliance of Socialists & Democrats, where Mr. Martin himself is a member.

Mr. David Martin has been appointed to submit a proposal to the EU Parliament regarding ACTA, and according to the blog post Mr. Martin says that the hopes of ACTA are not significant enough when weighed against the concerns of what the proposal will bring. Therefore he will recommend the Parliament to reject it.

ACTA is a proposed trade agreement between the EU and several other countries including the United States, with the aim to combat counterfeiting. Neither the conservative or the liberal Parliament group has yet voiced a united opinion on the treaty. Like the other owners of Business Solutions I follow the debate with interest, and I am sure I will have reason to come back to it..

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