
26 March 2012

A Prince For

Baby Rimza imageLast month I wrote about the birth of a Swedish princess, and today I will introduce a prince to you: Lead Developer Jayant Rimza and his wife Sushma have have had their first child, a little boy. He is not a real royalty, but to us he is! Jayant took this photo when his son was only a couple of hours old.

E-mail updates to the team
We knew Sushma was expected to give birth soon, so when Jayant e-mailed us and said he would be a little late back from lunch because he had to take her to the hospital, we all understood why. One hour later – on the minute! – there came another e-mail sent from Jayant’s Windows Phone: “It’s a boy. Hurray, I am so happy!”

Family photo


Of course Jayant never returned to the office that day. Instead some of his work mates took an extra-long tea break in the afternoon to visit him and Sushma at the hospital and see the little prince. One of them was his brother, Developer Rinku RImza, who has now become an uncle. The Swedish team members sent a huge bouquet of flowers and the sweets we learned are customary after a child is born in India.

From single to daddy in three years
When Jayant started working for in the beginning of 2009 he was single, but in November the same year I could tell you the happy news about his engagement to Sushma. They married one year after that, at a fantastic three day party. Our CEO Peter attended, and on the image below he and the newly wedded couple pose for the photographer.

Wedding photo   
Free to choose his future
India is a country in rapid development, and baby Rimza is born into a well-situated and educated family, so I hope he will have all opportunities in life and be able to choose his future freely. In that respect he is more fortunate than the Swedish royal baby, Estelle, who already has her life staked out for her.

I have come to know Jayant as an honorable and reliable man, an intelligent and imaginative developer and a very nice person to work with. I am sure these qualities will also make him a good father. The team once again congratulates the family on the new member, and we wish the little boy all the best for the future!

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