
27 February 2012

Fast Calendar Browser Fix Thanks To Community Member

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Calendar Browser for Outlook
was recently updated with support for Office 365 and a possibility to group resource calendars. We have now made another release of our popular resource booking application.

Smooth upgrades for most
Version 7.1 of Calendar Browser was released in January, and Community Members upgraded their installations without issues – until one Member suddenly reported a problem.  Mr. Paul Jennings at Wolff Olins LLC got a permission error when he started Outlook, and since all permissions were correct he was invited to a remote session with one of the developers. It showed that this error came due to a saving conflict in the Calendar Browser settings item. It was a bug in version 7.1 that only would affect a few, and it has now been fixed.

One Member report helped another
Very soon after the report  from Wolff Olins another administrator of Calendar Browser contacted us with the same issue, but then we already knew what the problem was. Both Member organizations got help quickly, and now we have released the updated Calendar Browser for all. Even though all Community Members probably have upgraded already, we want to make sure that no evaluator of Calendar Browser will get this error.

Quicker client tool Lead Developer Jayant Rimza took the opportunity to test a new idea, and since it worked as expected he also made another change in the new Calendar Browser setup. This change makes the client tool both load and work faster, and even if it was not slow before it is a valuable enhancement.

Good example
The Community Member who reported this error is a good example on how cooperative users can improve a product for all. Paul Jennings wrote an e-mail that clearly described the problem, allowed a remote session where Jayant could see what caused the issue and last but not least showed a positive attitude when he had to come back for another remote session before the problem was solved for him.

Many of the Community Members have a similar outlook (sic!) on life and work, and that makes our work rewarding and encouraging. Thank you!

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