
28 May 2010

Excellent Statistics for Sweden and

Join Community to always have modern sofware and rapid supportToday we can feel happy in Sweden. The government agency Statistics Sweden has reported that Sweden's GDP increased by 3.0 percent in the first quarter - an astonishing recovery from the recession.

Also is going fast forward. In May Community has existed for six months, and we are glad we made the transfer to the new payment model. The number of Members is growing steadily, and we feel confident for the future. Now we have a group of organizations that will contribute to the development of our products for a long time to come, and they can feel sure we have their best in mind. Without you we are nothing, dear Members!

What surprises us a bit is that as much as 87 % of our full Members only use one product, even though they may use another one for free. Obviously that fact is not important for the Membership. Instead organizations like one of our products and decide that the Membership fee gives them good value for money also for only one product.

10 % of the Members use two products and only 3 % use three. 58 % of the Members are former customers, while 42 % are new to us. There are Community Members all over the globe, but Europe (48 %) and North America (46 %) dominate. We hope that all Members spread the word about Community, but we are especially grateful to you who work in other parts of the world!