
30 June 2010

Ticket Toolbar With New Functions in PF HelpDesk V11

The new PF HelpDesk Ticket Toolbar Strip has new buttons for Save and close ticket and Importance

Today has released an update of Public Folder HelpDesk , our issue tracking tool for Outlook that also may be installed in a shared mailbox. Above you see the new ticket toolbar strip. It has been changed after Members have pointed out how it could be enhanced. As always it is the people who use the application each day who best can tell us how to improve it, so we are grateful for all suggestions. Even if we cannot realize them all, and certainly not at once, you can feel sure that we remember them.

The new toolbar has a button for Save and Close Window to the left. Further to the right we have new buttons for High and Low Importance and also a new button for Print Ticket. The old buttons Save, Close Ticket, Create Task, FAQ, Forward and Add to KBase are placed in the same order as before between the new buttons, and Delete Ticket is left on the far right side.

Some bugs were also fixed in this release, and I suggest that you take a look at the Revisions page if you are already using PF HelpDesk V11. All Community Members are welcome to upgrade!

Have you not tried PF HelpDesk V11 yet? Please download the application! I am sure you will like it.

28 June 2010

New Demo for the TimeCard E-mail Mapping Feature

Tha team tries to always keep the manuals up to date with new releases, so the TimeCard Single manual was updated with info about the E-mail mapping feature at the same time as the new version was published. Now we have also made a video demonstration about the improvement. Welcome to watch number ten!

22 June 2010

New Feature in TimeCard Single - Default Metadata from E-mails

TimeCard from Business Solutions Makes TimeSheets from Outlook Calendar Appointments
Today we thank Accounting on Computers Inc. for the sponsorship of a new feature in TimeCard Single: the possibility to get a default TimeCard value for an e-mail address or domain. This feature is very useful if you often get e-mail information about work from the same person or company. You can then drag the e-mail to the calendar or the To-Do list and make an appointment of it - with the TimeCard metadata already filled out.

A new checkbox is added in Personal Settings, and when it is enabled a new tab is shown after the TimeCard property tab(s): Map E-mails for Default Metadata. The metadata selected under this tab will be filled out automatically in appointments created by dragging an e-mail to the calendar or To-Do bar.

The TimeCard application is even clever enough to know what e-mail address is interesting. It will look for the "To" address if you drag the e-mail from the Sent folder. Otherwise it will look for the "From" address.

The new mapping possibility will of course soon be added to the Workgroup version of TimeCard also, but this time the Single users will have the first shot. All users with Single Support are welcome to

19 June 2010

Feel Safe with Digitally Signed Products from Tallstugans Forlag

Software from Business Solutions is digitally signed by VeriSign

When you download software from the internet and install them, you of course want to feel sure that they are clean and have not been tampered with by a third party. To ensure this most serious software houses digitally sign their products. So does also Tallstugan with all the Business Solutions software.

Around this weekend we are updating all our software with a new digital signature, since the old one will soon expire. If no other change is made to the product I will not blog about it, as I normally do for all new releases.

The VeriSign® Code Signing creates a digital "shrink wrap" for code and content which protects both the product and you when you download. The Tallstugan signatures on the software authenticate the source and verify the integrity of the content.

The Microsoft OS normally gives a warning if an .exe or .dll file is not signed, but to ensure that a file is signed you can also right click on it and select Properties. Always feel safe with the software!

15 June 2010

Office 2010 Released Worldwide - Compatible Products from

The products work with Office 2010Today Office 2010 is released for all, and we congratulate Microsoft to yet another step forward. There are many interesting things to tell about the new Office version, but I guess you rather want to hear what I have to say about the compatibility of our products.

The current situation is that all our products except Calendar Browser works with Office 2010. The Outlook buttons are not in their usual places, though, but under the last tab on top, Add-ins. We will of course optimize all our products for Office 2010 as soon as possible, but as all the others work we have to start with Calendar Browser.

If you use Calendar Browser, my advice to you is to wait with the upgrade to Office 2010 until we have published a new version of our resource management tool. If you use, PF HelpDesk, TimeCard, HelpDesk OSP, KBase or OLAP Reporting Tool, you may very well start using Office 2010 right away. The button issue is not a show stopper.

03 June 2010

PF HelpDesk V11 With New Technologies For The Future

Incident management in Outlook with Public Folder HelpDeskPublic Folder HelpDesk V11 is released! Many users have waited for the new version of this tool for incident management inside Outlook. So have the team, as V11 builds on more stable technologies than earlier versions.

It has not been an easy task to change the build and at the same time keep and even improve the benefits of the Outlook integration, but our skillful developers Jayant Rimza and Bahrur Ipham has managed it. QA Engineer Dina Romanova’s scrupulous testing and close cooperation with the developers has also been crucial to the creation of version 11, and our trainee, Niklas Svensson, has given valued input. Thank you all, for your efforts!

As I have written some earlier blogs about PF HelpDesk V11, you probably already know about the two major improvements, the new ticket form and the new installer. Welcome to visit the version 11 page for an overview and the Revisions page for a full list of the enhancements!

Since the ticket form is new, the upgrade was a tough nut to crack. At one stage there were two manual steps to perform, and not very easy ones either! Fortunately these issues were solved too, and now the upgrade is automatic. You may perform it from any client, and you only need to select your PF HelpDesk Outlook folder in the process. Then the installer will do the rest.

Upgrades are free for Members of Community, and the PF HelpDesk admin in each organization will get a personal e-mail with the new registration key. Then you may just upgrade and enjoy! If you are not a Member yet, I recommend you to join us as soon as possible to benefit from the advantages.

Updated PF HelpDesk V11 supports Office 2010

Incident management in Outlook with Public Folder HelpDesk

Public Folder HelpDesk V11
was released nearly three weeks ago, and the interest for our incident management tool for Microsoft Outlook has been great! This was expected, and expected was also that some of all who downloaded the new version would have problems.

Our products work in such a complex environment that it is virtually impossible to test every combination of software and ways of using them. Therefore we are always grateful for reports from users.

As always our technicians have done their best to solve the problems as quickly as possible, and today we have published an update where all known bugs are solved. The users who have complained about errors have been very helpful in the troubleshooting, and they have already received files that have solved their problems.

We get more and more questions about Office 2010. PF HelpDesk V11 and our other products already work with the new version of Office, but we have not yet optimized them for Office 2010. For PF HelpDesk this means that you will find the toolbar on top if you use Outlook 2010, in the last tab.

The improvement work continues, so our Members can feel confident about the future of PF HelpDesk.